The San Juan Community Theatre is receiving a boost in efforts to maintain its 20-year-old facility.
The Confidence Foundation of Southern California has awarded the theater a $60,000 challenge grant to aid in repairs to its roof and replacement of an exterior wall.
“This is an amazing opportunity for us and we are very grateful to the foundation,” said Merritt Olsen, the theater’s executive director. “We can now move forward to make sure we have a sound roof over our heads for the next 20 years.”
The Confidence Foundation — established by the late island philanthropists Paul and Lucy Whittier — has been a long-time supporter of the theater, including providing a major matching grant in 1985 to jump-start the building of the theater and, most recently, financially supporting the building of the theater’s rehearsal and workshop facility, PARC.
In order to use the Confidence Foundation funds, the theater will need to raise $60,000 in matching funds from community members. “We are very hopeful our community will follow through and help us ensure their theater continues to thrive,” Olsen said.
For more information, contact Olsen at 378-3211, ext. 29.