Roche Harbor Highlands hike | National Trails Day

Submitted by the San Juan County Land Bank

The nature club celebrates National Trails Day weekend at the Roche Harbor Highlands. Join youth trail leader, Ava Martin, along with Theresa Simendinger, from the San Juan Island Trails Committee, for a family and trail-stroller friendly walk to Briggs Lake.

Meet at the Briggs Lake trailhead, located at the corner of Roche Harbor Road and West Valley Road, June 4, at 1 p.m. The walk should last for approximately two hours, ending at 3 p.m.

Be sure to dress for the weather, and bring water, lunch, and something to sit on – we will have a picnic!

Carpool as parking is limited. For more info contact Tanja Williamson at 378-4402 or email