Remembering San Juan Island’s 2010 Fourth of July celebration | Multimedia

Fourth of July started off with a couple of hitches. First, unseasonably cool weather. Second, a Montana driver heading up Spring Street came face to face with the beginning of the parade at Spring Street and Blair Avenue, and had to negotiate his vehicle out of the way of the parade and crowds. But then, with Ray Charles singing "America the Beautiful" over Pat O'Day's sound system, a bald eagle flew high over Spring Street, seemingly setting the tone for the rest of the day. And San Juan Island's celebration of the 234th anniversary of American independence began.

Fourth of July started off with a couple of hitches. First, unseasonably cool weather. Second, a Montana driver heading up Spring Street came face to face with the beginning of the parade at Spring Street and Blair Avenue, and had to negotiate his vehicle out of the way of the parade and crowds.

But then, with Ray Charles singing “America the Beautiful” over Pat O’Day’s sound system, a bald eagle flew high over Spring Street, seemingly setting the tone for the rest of the day.

And San Juan Island’s celebration of the 234th anniversary of American independence began.

Here is a multimedia presentation of the events in Friday Harbor and Roche Harbor on July 4, 2010.