Tuesday’s general election was a memorable experience for many middle-school students, most of them four to six years from voting age. A mock election, which mimics the national election, was held Tuesday at Friday Harbor Middle School. Throughout the school day, students took the opportunity to vote for a presidential candidate, as well as candidates for local and state offices.
A handsome visitor from the big city sends a young girl’s heart and soul into high gear. Seattle Opera’s Young Artist Program shares that timeless story of Tchaikovsky’s popular opera on the San Juan Community Theatre’s Whittier stage, Friday, at 7:30 p.m.
“Plastics in Our Oceans,” a lecture by Capt. Charles Moore, is scheduled Monday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in the U.W. Friday Harbor Labs’ Commons.
The Ottomatics perform in an Early Halloween Party on Friday, 6-9 p.m., at Bella Luna.
Every once in a while, I see someone shaking their heads in disapproval when they see the weird costumes on the kids at the Homecoming Parade and game. “We didn’t do that sort of thing when I went to school,” they grumble. They probably think they didn’t, but it’s only because their memory bank doesn’t go back that far.
San Juan County Republicans gathered at E.J. Thorndike’s big red barn for a country hoedown Oct. 11. Included with a mix of politics, music and dancing, the group took time to congratulate Bianca Tobon, San Juan County’s most recent U.S. citizen.
Doug and Lori Guard, long-time residents of the island, proudly announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Guard, to Cody Anderson of Murrieta, Calif. The young couple met at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, Calif. They became engaged June 5, 2008.
Dora Ukra is going to jail Oct. 30. The accuser: Not known. The crime: She’s got a big heart. Ukra, who with her husband owns and operates Post San Juan, must raise $1,600 “bail” for the Muscular Dystrophy Association by month-end.
Jim Crook, whose family homesteaded the former British Royal Marine Camp at Garrison Bay after the U.S.-British boundary dispute was settled in 1872, embodied the island way of life. Items from the San Juan Historical Museum’s Jim Crook Collection have been digitized and are now available for the first time online as part of a cooperative project between the San Juan Island Library, the museum and the Washington State Library Rural Heritage Initiative.
Some things in this life can be disappointing. The market. The weather. Your aching back. Forget it. If you go to a performance of a play directed by Andrew McLaglen, written by Neil Simon and performed by our local thespians at our beautiful theater, you can be sure you won’t have a gloomy thought.
Lack of physical activity is believed to be a leading cause in rising rates of obesity, diabetes and other health problems among children. Driving students to school by private vehicle contributes to traffic congestion and air pollution. The local Safe Routes to School program believes it has an answer.
Today, Friday Harbor Elementary School students and parents participated in the Walking School Bus and walked to school.
Every one of our 61 vets in the Legion and any other local vets or widows or widowers of WWII service men or women, will be guests for a catered dinner at the Legion Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008.
Stewart Powell Redfern of Friday Harbor, Wash., passed away Sept. 28, 2008 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham, Wash. He was 65. Stew was born June 24, 1943 in Seattle, Wash., to Don and Mary Redfern. Stew grew up with a love of the outdoors and exploring the many places of the Pacific Northwest. The proverbial wild child, Stew had a small habit of finding trouble where no trouble seemed to be. If trouble could not be found, he would settle for mischief. These traits were with him to the end.