Island Rec will offer a First Aid certification class, Monday, March 18, at the Frank Wilson EMS Building, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
The Summit will be a forum where agricultural supporters can share knowledge and help create meaningful change for the broader agricultural community in the islands.
In addition to his manual of parliamentary procedures — Robert’s Rules of Order — U.S. Army engineer Henry Martyn Robert was the guiding force behind the fortifications installed at San Juan Island’s American Camp during the Pig War, like the Redoubt.
“8” draws on trial transcripts, interviews and first-hand observations as the legal battle over Prop. 8, which stripped same-sex couple of their right to wed, proceeded in federal court.
In partnership with Puget Sound Blood Center, the Lions Club-sponsored blood drive is noon to 6 p.m.
San Juan Island caterer Cynthia Burke will show and tell how to roll your own sushi using various ingredients, from simple to creative.
Guys on Ice chronicles the amusing antics of three Wisconsin fishing buddies and home-grown philosophers in song and dance as they spend a day inside an ice shanty.
At the “introductory” rally, Saturday, March 2, participants will demonstrate and be scored on horse care skills, presentation and knowledge of required equipment without the added burden of having a horse to contend with as well.
Other award winners include, Jeremy Talobtt, who also received EMT of the Year honors; Ron Krebs, Rookie of the Year; Dr. Michael Edwards, Honorary EMS Assistant Chief Award; and Lainey Volk, who received the San Juan County Medical Program Director Award, presented by Dr. Michael Sullivan of Peace Island Medical Center, in recognition of her leadership, dedication and service.
The purpose of the festival is two-fold: to attract visitors to the island in the fall shoulder season, and to raise awareness about the San Juans’ Pacific Rim neighbors and the world. In addition, it is an opportunity to have professional filmmakers educate and inspire islanders and visitors of all ages in the art of filmmaking.
The Seattle-area couple, both graduates of the University of Washington, plan to wed Sept. 21.
The Radio Hour is back with “Love is in the Airwaves,” bringing along big microphones, special sound effects, live music and silly comedy.
While a 16.7-pounder may be a far cry from many trophy fish landed over the years by Nelson, winner of some 30 or so Northwest fishing competitions, he’s delighted to be back on top, and to pocket the derby’s top cash prize, $10,000. That’s $599 a pound, if you’re keeping score.