Meet Benna, Pet of the Week

Submitted by the Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor.

Hi there, I’m Benna. Whether we’re meeting here for the first time, or we’ve already met, can I just say… it is REALLY nice to meet you! As you may be able to tell by my warm welcome, I am APS-FH’s newest Lobby Dog! I’m very excited about this title, and I think I’m doing a good job at it because the humans are always smiling around me and telling me that “I’m a very good girl.”

As an APS-FH Lobby Dog I have a very important job that includes such daily tasks as: greeting staff and volunteers as they first arrive in the morning (and all throughout the day); barking a friendly hello to everyone who comes through our lobby doors during business hours; keeping the staff company as they work; and kindly encouraging people to pet me all throughout the day.

Aside from being my place of “employment,” APS-FH is my temporary home until I get adopted. Although I’ve only just arrived a few weeks ago, I’ve known about the shelter for years. That’s because my person would regularly visit the staff and regale them with so many good stories, a lot of which included me! My person just passed recently, and although I am mourning his loss I am finding peace being in a place where, and around people with whom, my person would visit. Now this will be the lobby I walk out of with my new person (whenever they arrive), onwards to my next chapter. Wish me luck, and I hope you’ll come back and see us at APS-FH real soon!

About Benna

Age: ~10 years old

Sex: Female

Breed: Rottweiler Mix

Origin: San Juan Islands

Weight: 87.5lbs

Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, Charismatic

Energy Level: Low-Medium

Likes: Frisbees, The Buddy System, Pancakes

Dislikes: Being Late, Pessimism, Windchimes

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