Unlike last year’s torrential downpour, islanders stayed dry as they crowded around the Christmas Tree in front of Wells Fargo for its official lighting, on Friday, Dec. 6. The temperature was mild as they enjoyed cocoa and cookies provided by Riptide Cafe.
The Christmas Tree was installed Nov. 3, 1990, by the Post 163 of the American Legion and has a plaque below naming the tree “The Christmas Tree, dedicated to all MIAs of all wars.” The tree lighting has fittingly taken place around this tree for the last two years after the Memorial Park trees at the bottom of Spring Street became damaged and weak.
The tree was lit right at 6 p.m., and the Trebel Makers regaled the crowd with Christmas carols. The Trebel Makers consisted of 37 elementary school music students. Toward the end of the performance, the crowd joined in singing some Christmas classics like “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.”
Afterward, the crowd made their way to Brickworks, where Santa, played by Steve McMurtrie, sat for a photo op for children. Crafting projects sponsored by Island Rec were also set up for families to enjoy.
This was part of the Chamber of Commerce “Winterfest” events. “Winterfest” continues with the Old Fashion Market Dec. 13-15 at Brickworks, and Island Stage Left’s annual Omnium Gatherum Dec. 21-24.