Homecoming parade stops traffic

Islanders flocked along Spring and First streets Friday, Oct. 28 to see Friday Harbor High School students in the Homecoming Parade, and the teens did not let the crowd down. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors touted their school spirit and even choreographed dances to go with their floats.

Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Seniors call to surrender the booty
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Senior pirates
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Sophomore dinosaurs
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Sophomore dinosaurs
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Sophomore dinosaurs
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Juniors up and away
Heather Spaulding  Staff photo
Juniors took flight with flamingos