Course maps and safety advice for San Juan Island triathlon and marathon


On Saturday, June 17, the Lakedale Three Lakes Triathlon will kick off its fifth year with cyclist and runners on the roadways and the 16th Annual King’s San Juan Island Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k runners will be on the roads challenging themselves and each other on Sunday, June 18.

Saturday, June 17 triathlon course maps:

Sunday, June 18 marathon, half marathon and 10K course maps:


  • Slow down and obey the posted speed limits and caution signs.
  • Yield to pedestrians and cyclists when turning.
  • Use caution when passing Athlete Aid Stations.
  • Allow three feet when passing bicyclists.


  • Not to wear headphones; you need to be able to hear if a car is approaching.
  • Slow down and check for oncoming traffic before entering or crossing any street or intersection
  • Do your best to anticipate hazards and adjust your position in traffic accordingly.
  • Be predictable — ride with the flow of traffic and Run against traffic, and in a straight line.

Here’s to another a safe and beautiful event for each and every athlete and volunteer “motivators,” from start to finish.