‘Celebrate HOPE’ with SAFE San Juans

Submitted by SAFE San Juans

SAFE San Juans is hosting a special Gala to celebrate hope and honor survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Held Aug. 3, from 6-10 p.m. at the beautiful Emmanuel Parish Hall on the shores of Eastsound, this summer evening will be a joyful one.

“I’m very excited about the evening. I know that the subject matter we deal with is hard to hear about and hard to discuss, and it’s certainly awful to be in the middle of a domestic violence or sexual abuse crisis; however, people seek out our help because they are hopeful,” Dave Dunaway, Executive Director of SAFE San Juans said. “They have suffered, or they are suffering, but they also believe that life can be different. It’s like being with people who were drowning and are now breathing, and we get to be part of their lives as they move into a hope-filled future that is different from the past.”

The Gala, according to Dunaway, is about celebrating life and hope.

Tickets include dinner catered by Asher & Olive, wine pairings by Madrone Cellars & Cider, music and dance with DJ CARE and DJ Bruce Pavitt, live and silent auctions, and a wishing well. All proceeds will go toward providing critically needed help for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors in San Juan County. Help make this event a success by sponsoring, donating auction items, or purchasing tickets and attending.

“Parties can be pretty spectacular and fun when they’re grounded in such optimism, and I think this will be,” said Dunaway.

Learn more by visiting www.safesj.org, calling 360-378-8680, or clicking this link: https://fundraiser.support/safesanjuansgala

Support Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse.