Submitted by the San Juan County Fair
A call to action for all San Juan County businesses, restaurants, non-profits, organizations, service groups, cottage industries, artists and more. Become a virtual San Juan County Fair vendor and join the “2020: A Fair Odyssey.”
This is a new opportunity for local organizations and businesses as the San Juan County Fair transitions into a virtual format. This year, fair vendors will not be required to be on-site at the fairgrounds for four days in August, which is typically the busiest time of year for most in the San Juans.
We understand that these are very difficult times, and the fair is here to support you — because you have supported us, and you are a big part of our Fair. What does it mean to be a virtual vendor? Rather than a physical booth space, think of this as online advertising for your business or organization that we can share on social media, and through our fair website, We know that some of you may not have websites to direct people to, or items that you sell online, but there are ways you can still participate in our fair this year and promote your organization or business. Send us a video clip of the information your organization was hoping to share at the fair this year; or record a behind the scenes tour of your business; share a recipe from your menu; offer a special discount your customers can use during fair week; or give a demonstration online. Send us your logo, and your web address so we can encourage others to support you. There are many ways to present yourself, your business, your goods, your ideas, and your mission online.
If you need help thinking of what you can offer this year, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office — we have been brainstorming 24/7 lately to figure out how we can still celebrate our community, and encourage our island to support you during these times. Fill out the virtual vendor application today and get our islands communities circulating. This is a great opportunity to encourage local support of each other and demonstrate best practices for social assimilation. Remember the fair is not the fair without your participation, this is the year to be creative and excited about what future fair will be able to offer. Questions? Email or call 360-378-4310.