Before the feast, get on your feet — run, walk, or even crawl the 7th annual Turkey Trot, a 5K (3.1 mile) fundraising tour de force sponsored by Island Athletic Events.
The Trot gets underway – come rain or shine – on Thanksgiving Day at 9 a.m., in front of the Best Western Friday Harbor Suites, 680 Spring Street, which doubles as the location of both the start and the finish lines.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. at the same location.
The registration fee for adults is $5 and two cans of food, and $2 plus two cans of food for children under 12 years of age. This year participants have the option of providing cans of food for either human or animal consumption. Proceeds and donated food items will help support the Friday Harbor Food Bank and the Friday Harbor Animal Protection Society.
The Turkey Trot is produced by Island Athletic Events, with contributions from Best Western, Kings Market and San Juan Island Fitness. For information, call 378-4449.