Submitted by the San Juan Islands Museum of Art
The new winter series of Family Art Days workshops get underway Saturday, Jan. 11, at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art and will continue Saturdays through Feb. 22. Children 5 years and up, accompanied by at least one adult, are invited to participate in this free, fun art program. Participants young and grown have an opportunity to create hands-on art projects. The Winter 2025 FAD Series features teaching artists with work currently displayed in the Artists Registry Show at SJIMA. Before immersing themselves in the workshop art project, participants will have the chance to visit the exhibit to hear the artist share briefly about their art on display.
All Saturday workshops are held from noon to 2 p.m. on the following dates:
Jan. 11: Pattern Design – Using a simple formula, you may blend elements of design to transform construction paper into unique art pattens, with John Nippolt.
Jan. 18: Carving Soapstone Animals – Carve a beautiful, little soapstone bear, orca, wolf or seal using simple, safe techniques. Best for ages 8 and up, with Tom Small.
Jan.25: Still Life Interpretation – Sketch inspirational still life with pencil and ink, followed by watercolors and metallic touches, with Nadia Larson.
Feb. 1: Abstract Designs and Patterns – Create patterns and abstract designs using alcohol inks, watercolors and metallic acrylics, with Nadia Larson.
Feb. 8: Winter Ferns and Salals – Study patterns in Nature’s winter greens using ink and watercolor to create an indoor garden, with Nadia Larson.
Feb. 15: Scrapbook Notebook – Fold, stack and glue lunch bags to create a fun scrapbook. Add and decorate a unique cover, with Marsha McAllister.
Feb. 22: Blizzard and Pocket Books – Apply paper-folding techniques to produce practical Blizzard books and Pocket books, with Rachel Dietzman.
Preregistration is encouraged as space is limited. Go to to register.