Vote no on Reichert/ response to Schwartz letter to the editor | Letter

First off, anyone voting “Republican” on anything these days – I automatically wince and look out from the corner of my eye at this person. (Yes, I do pay attention to current events, in case you’re wondering.) Putting it simply, Dave Reichert knows Little to nothing about Washington State Ferries. Let me remind everyone that Tim Eyeman, a Republican, started the ball rolling on the demise of WSF with his initiative – 695, 20+ years ago. it stripped the entire operating budget away from the Ferry system. Also, traditional Republican values: we hate unions. There are three unions dedicated to the safe operation of Ferries. You need them. Republicans in the state legislature have been nickel and diming the system for years, by design- trying to make the opposition look incompetent. Perhaps they have succeeded. A vote for Reichert would most likely be more of the same – or worse! Change, simply for the sake of change – at this point in time – would be nonsensical.

Michael P Herko,

Friday Harbor