Trumps’ Russian name | Letter

Alnur Mussayev, a former Soviet security agent, on or about February 26th, stated that in 1987, while Trump was visiting Russia, he was recruited by the KGB and assigned a code name:”Kraznov.” Whether or not this is true, since there appears to be no stated evidence beyond Mussayev’s claim, it seems that there can be no other explanation for Trump’s efforts to undermine our security, democracy, destroy our reputation and reliability around the free world and further Putin’s objectives, here, in the USA, in Ukraine and western Europe. There are so many other examples that point to that conclusion that I am sure you are all aware of. The disassembly of our necessary federal agencies is just another example.

If this is true, then not only do we have a convicted criminal but a KGB spy in the White House, as well. Don’t take my word for it; get on the internet and look it up for yourselves. Decide for yourselves whether or not Trump is a Soviet agent. If your conclusion is what I think it will be, then you agree that Trump must be removed from the White House. Surely, if the House and the Senate are aware of this, they will act; how can they not.

Detlef Wieck,

San Juan Island