‘The Connoisseurs’: We think you’re sure to enjoy this show

Every few weeks, I send a letter to family members living far from here, outlining recent events in our lives. The one I'm mailing today mentions the new play at the San Juan Community Theatre, "The Connoisseurs."

Every few weeks, I send a letter to family members living far from here, outlining recent events in our lives. The one I’m mailing today mentions the new play at the San Juan Community Theatre, “The Connoisseurs.”

Emily and I knew it was a light-hearted piece by island author Ed Strum about wine bottles washing ashore near a house, a frantic scramble to retrieve them, and the discovery that some contained diamonds!

In the letter I say, “On the 24th we were at our theatre, seeing and enjoying ‘The Connoisseurs.’ A wacky show, it includes actors rushing off and on stage, and even bright-lighting the audience with head lamps as they look for missing bottles of wine. Very entertaining!”

If you go, you’ll see a bewildered Margaret Hall, gun-toting Warren Baehr, greedy George Iliff and Bo Turnage, super-vivacious Lisa Moretti, and other locals. The four performances still to come may be sellouts.

I suggest you get your tickets now. We think you’re sure to enjoy this show.

Sam Connery
San Juan Island