Supports Brad Fincher for San Juan County sheriff

I find these qualities in Brad Fincher. When I was working in the courthouse, I never doubted that I could count on Brad to do his job, and do it well. I encouraged Brad to run for office, and ask you to vote Fincher for sheriff.

Several qualities come to mind when I think about what I want in a sheriff.

I want him or her to understand community, to be strong enough to stand up to criminal behavior, and equally strong to provide trained, skilled deputies. I want someone who can manage a tight budget without sacrificing our security. I want a person with integrity, and who isn’t afraid to tackle the big problems. Finally, I want someone who cares.

I find these qualities in Brad Fincher. When I was working in the courthouse, I never doubted that I could count on Brad to do his job, and do it well. I encouraged Brad to run for office, and ask you to vote Fincher for sheriff.

Rhea Miller
Lopez Island