Support for the Library Operational Levy Lid Adjustment

Hello. I write in support of the Library Operational Levy Lid Adjustment. My career was as a public librarian in three states and four county library systems. As I learned during my work in libraries, an operational levy lift is business as usual for many government taxing districts including fire districts, school districts, and public libraries. The way the taxing districts are set up requires the individual entities to pass levies to continue and improve services. Our library has been frugal and successful in stretching its request for a new levy by seven years. Quite a remarkable accomplishment.

A public library is the soul of its community, of this community. Our library strives to provide the best there is for all of us. Even if you are not a card-carrying library member (and there are 5000 plus of us on San Juan Island) that does not diminish the library’s impact on you and those around you. Libraries, frankly, change lives for the better, simply by existing.

Our San Juan Island Library is an island treasure. Our library is an essential artery in the beating heart of this beautiful island. We all would be diminished if the levy fails and the library is forced to “diminish” its services.

Please vote yes for the good of us all.

Linda K Thompson

San Juan Island