Sheriff candidates forum ‘a very useful event’

At the direction of the Prevention Coalition Executive Board, I attended the Sheriff’s Candidate Forum yesterday (Sept. 28) at the Gubelman Room to ask what role the candidates think they should play in our county’s drinking and drug abuse prevention efforts.

At the direction of the Prevention Coalition Executive Board, I attended the Sheriff’s Candidate Forum yesterday (Sept. 28) at the Gubelman Room to ask what role the candidates think they should play in our county’s drinking and drug abuse prevention efforts.

Brent Johnson responded first saying the Sheriff’s primary role is enforcement of laws and that his department should engage with the Coalition to make in-roads and work with the schools to improve their offerings while realizing they are already stretched to their capacity.

Rob Nou said he has been actively involved in the Lopez Island Coalition’s successful grant application process and he would plan to work with all three island coalitions as Sheriff. He will plan to work with school leadership to integrate prevention messages in the curriculum. Rob also included his support for the Prevention Coalitions in his opening remarks before our questions was tendered.

Two other audience members asked questions about drug use and enforcement and requested stronger local enforcement and drug use suppression. There were also comments about the medication take-back program from the candidates.

All in all, it was a very useful event which could not contain all the interested community members.

Curt VanHyning
San Juan Senior Services Coordinator
Friday Harbor