Once again, we are all reminded why we enjoy living on this island.
A small group of local citizens planned and successfully launched a first time event called Share the Road Bicycle Celebration on May 15. The event was created to strengthen the notion that while using our roadways we all have the the same rules, rights and responsibilities toward one another.
The strong turnout of nearly 120 and contagious enthusiasm made for a fun parade through town with the guidance of the mayor, sheriff and Fire Department staff. Many helmets were fitted and given out, educational materials shared, basic skills taught to kids and basic bike repair techniques displayed. A long ride capped the event and involved about 37 riders peddling to South Camp and Cattle Point.
We hope that this event will become one of annual celebration for this community. The solid success of the day is in direct measure a result of the strong support of generous event sponsors. We extend our sincere appreciation to Island Rec, San Juan Island Trails Committee, Port of Friday Harbor, Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor, San Juan Island Fitness Center, and Backroads.
Many individuals stepped up in support as did the following businesses and organizations: Bicycle Alliance, Cascade Bicycle Club, Friday Harbor Elementary School PTA, Friday Harbor Middle School, Friday Harbor Marketplace, Friday Harbor Espresso, Fire Chief Vern Long, Sheriff Bill Cumming, the Town Council, Islands Convalescent Center, Jeff Roberson Custom Homes, John and Louise Dustrude, Kiwanis, San Juan County Fair, San Juan County Council, San Juan County Public Health, San Juan County EMS, San Juan County Library and Travel Light Cycles.
You may have also noticed the new county signs reminding all of us to Share the Road. If, like all of us, you appreciate this generous support for Share the Road please extend your appreciation in person.
See you on the road!
Share the Road Steering Committee: Steve Ulvi, Tracy Roberson, Judy Packard, Kyle Loring, Karla Sabin, Joe Cussen, William Severson, Marc Islam, Pete Dawson, Liz Illg