Reflections of a wannabe islander

My wife and I bought a home on the island in 2007. We grew up in Seattle and have been coming to the San Juan Islands since we were kids. We are now working hard to make this island home our permanent home. This task remains a work in progress.

My wife and I bought a home on the island in 2007. We grew up in Seattle and have been coming to the San Juan Islands since we were kids. We are now working hard to make this island home our permanent home. This task remains a work in progress.

There is great appeal, of course, to the many wonders of nature that surround us. We expected this; the natural beauty of the island is the primary reason that we moved here. What we did not expect (as city dwellers) was the kindness that has been extended to us by so many of the people that live here. Honest, hard-working, friendly and always most welcoming.

This quality of our community began and continues with our neighbors (Skip, Lisa, Dennis, Katy, Kent and Lucretia), but has also been extended by so many others. The people in the grocery stores, hardware stores, restaurants, Radio Shack, the people who have helped us “fix” the house on so may occasions, and those who occasionally help me with my geriatric boat. One and all have been top notch.

Our recent experience as the recipients of unabashed kindness came from Susie of Susie’s Mopeds. If all merchants conducted business the way she does there would never be a dissatisfied customer, anywhere.

So, why are we writing this letter? It’s about time we said “thanks.” And how will we return your kindness? To do unto others as you have done to us.

Mark and Jane Quehrn
Eagle Cove
San Juan Island