Proud to live in a county with a citizen-founded Land Bank | Letter

I am proud to live in a county with a citizen-founded Land Bank. The forward-thinking citizens of San Juan County voted in 1990 to establish the Land Bank real estate excise tax (REET), after helping to create the state enabling legislation. Citizens have renewed it twice, in 1999 and 2011. The Conservation Land Bank is a very unique organization, and a model that has been used successfully in conserving land in other communities in the U.S.

The Land Bank staff and volunteers are impeccable stewards of the land they have protected. Seventy percent (70 %) of Land Bank properties are open to the public. These delightful natural areas are places where we can enjoy recreation in these beautiful islands. The Land Bank also uses important climate change mitigation strategies; is restoring damaged systems back to ecological function; and builds coalitions of many constituents, including farmers, our indigenous neighbors, and recreation enthusiasts. Our Conservation Land Bank owns 700 acres of prime farmland, leasing 500 acres to farmers and protecting 1,300 acres of private farmland and working farms.

Affordable housing is a critical component of our islands’ community and livelihood. Renewing our Land Bank will protect the 0.5% real estate excise tax (REET) paid by buyers to create and preserve affordable homes in our communities. Voting YES to renew our Land Bank’s 1% Conservation Area REET is the most powerful way you can support affordable housing.

Please vote YES to renew our Conservation Land Bank.

Jane Wentworth,

San Juan Island