Please learn the facts and ignore misinformation on library levy | Letter

The Library’s Proposition #1 in the upcoming August 6th primary is essential to the services our Library provides. Like every other organization supported by property taxes (including schools, fire, and EMS), the Library faces the challenge of providing a constant level of service while revenue grows only at 1% annually and costs grow faster.

This fundamental feature of how we fund public services requires that districts come back to voters to adjust their funding level. The Library must adjust its levy now. Not doing so would mean annual cuts, which would compound each year, until the Library could no longer provide the services we require.

The Library last changed its levy in 2011, and promised voters the money would last six years, through 2018. Instead, the Director and Board were able to stretch those reserves for a further six years!

Proposition #1 is NOT about a new building, and the Spring Street property is currently supported by generous donors, not tax funds. Nor was the building mismanaged during the hard freeze – over 100 structures in Friday Harbor also had leaks that fateful week.

The Library is simply asking to maintain all of the services that islanders depend upon: reading programs for children, ESL classes, collections that are refreshed regularly with new books and materials, and above all, our trained and committed staff.

Please learn the facts and ignore misinformation. Vote YES on Aug. 6 to keep our San Juan Island Library serving our community well!

Mark Madsen

San Juan Island