Thanks to the paramedics “Bob and Jim” who stopped and helped my guest who had a bike accident on Roche Harbor Road July 23. Robert and Sandra would like to know how to reach you to thank you properly for your help.
She flipped over the handlebars and badly bruised her chin, shoulders and knees. These two fellows stopped and put my guest’s bikes in the back of their pickup truck, called ahead to the medical center and said they would be bringing her in the back entrance for treatment. “Cindy” at the center was wonderful too!
My guest was also so impressed with the number of people who stopped to see if there was anything they could do to help. She is sore and bruised this morning but feeling lucky it wasn’t worse, and is so glad they came along at just the right time.
“Bob” has an airplane and is involved with the activities at our airport today, and “Jim” lives near me, but I don’t know the last names. Please get in touch with me so I can pass the information along to my guests from Victoria, B.C.
A big “thank you” to all our volunteers and islanders who are so willing to help visitors feel welcome on our island and who give aid even without even being called. My number is 378-9450. Please contact me if you are the Jim and the Bob that helped.
Helen King
The Highland Inn of San Juan Island