Have you signed up as a supporter of Judge John Linde yet?
Judge Linde was appointed by the governor as our Superior Court judge for San Juan County because of his judicial experience and his unbiased application of the law during his many years of experience on the bench.
When the county adopted the council form of government, with six non-partisan seats assigned to districts, it was the hope of the freeholders that this would encourage more participation in local government.
The in-depth coverage of the band Jazz Coalescence was appreciated. However, I want to point out that Jazz Coalescence was only one of the two bands that performed that night. The San Juan Jazz Quintet + 1 opened the evening, as it has done for all eight years of Jazz at the Labs. These talented musicians and singer not only donate their time to enable us to net as much income for the K-12 program as possible, but also have turned down paying gigs to perform at this event.
I have either lived or made my living down at the waterfront and, in particular, at the Port of Friday Harbor for the last seven years. In that time, I have had the great pleasure of working with and around the best harbormaster I have ever seen: Tami Hayes!
This trash site selection process has been marred by incomplete disclosure. Failure to fully disclose all traffic safety information and the increased accident rate due to moving the trash facility is morally unacceptable.
My family in Friday Harbor sent me the link to your article, “Looking at the world through the eyes of a child,” page 7A, June 4 Journal. Although I am slightly biased, as one of the children you reference is my nephew, I did want to offer you kudos on your angle to the story.
To the people of Friday Harbor: My family and I are very grateful for the concern and help offered us following the death of my husband, Ramsay Milne.
San Juan Journal readers voice support for the new integrated medical center proposed for San Juan Island and more in this week’s letters to the editor.
The new Web site is great. The new site is much more user friendly and more pleasing to the eye,…
As the Readiness to Learn Student/Family advocate at Lopez Secondary School, I would like to go on record with my…
An open letter to San Juan Island Library District: On page 3B of The Journal of May 21, Beth Helstein…
We would like to personally thank the people of Friday Harbor for their love and support during Matt’s battle with…