You asked for detail on the Inter Island Medical Center Physician Salaries line item on the July Profit and Loss…
Thank you for putting your money where your mouth is, Public Works, and sponsoring our Trashion Fashion Show once again,…
We are coming to the end of the tansy ragwort season. Both Public Works personnel and private landowners have made…
Although it felt a little “Fall-ish” as I drove into work this morning, the beautiful hanging baskets that have lined…
No wonder there is confusion about barcodes on ballots: our elections supervisor and her A-Team staff are spreading it! (Journal…
Last month, we had an article in the American Legion Post 163 newsletter about David Tobon. David’s National Guard unit…
Your article about Mona was heartbreaking (“Rural Confidential: The Mona Story,” Aug. 19 The reason she moaned when she was a baby was because she was missing her mother, who she was taken from while still unweaned, and sold in the exotic pet trade.
There seems to be some confusion as to why there are barcodes on your ballot.
Some new Burma Shave-style signs appeared on roadsides last week with the message, “If you don’t want your taxes to go from 10% to Forty, vote for Gordy.”
The contested Aug. 19 primary election for Superior Court judge is an issue of vital public importance. I fully support Judge John Linde and urge everyone to vote for him.
This letter is in support of Randy Gaylord for San Juan County Superior Court judge. My recommendation is based on the following …
My husband, Bob, and I are voting for John Linde to retain his position as Superior Court judge of San Juan County. Our reasons are many. For purposes of brevity, however, one reason stands out: he has 21 years experience as a judge and is endorsed as the only qualified candidate by over 30 sitting judges from through out western Washington.
I’ve had the honor and pleasure of knowing Randy Gaylord, and observing his performance for most of the seven years I’ve been a resident of Orcas Island. I can think of no one better qualified to assume the duties and responsibilities of San Juan County Superior Court judge.