We are writing to commend the former Friday Harbor Elementary School PTA board on the hard work they did in…
I read of the concerns Friday Harbor Elementary School parents have raised about the “crumb rubber” underlayment of the new…
Today, the Town of Friday Harbor paused to remember those who perished during the Sept. 11 attacks and to acknowledge…
The San Juan Island School District has a significant liability problem that impacts the safety of the island’s children even…
Three million dollars for an Orcas dock complex? Give us a break! That works out to about 600 years of rent for the same property.
This year at the Port of Friday Harbor, we just completed a marvelous venue of music.
Our waterfront concert series at Jack Fairweather Park, located near the Coast Salish house posts, was a continuous delight for our visitors and locals throughout the summer.
Patricia Kostek, clarinetist extraordinaire and artistic director of Chamber Music San Juans, consistently brings outstanding musical performances to our San Juan Community Theatre.
Safe Routes to School is a national program soon to be implemented here in Friday Harbor.
A couple of years ago I became aware that a movie, “The Battle in Seattle,” was in the making. As I had written the book, “The Battle in Seattle” (published in 2000), the production of a movie of the same name got my attention.
Thanks go to the following local businesses for supporting the “Go Native” plant treasure hunt at the San Juan County Fair: Back to Nature Design, Friday Harbor Hardware & Marine, Island Gardens, and Orcas Ace Hardware.
I could not agree more with Don Webster’s letter to the editor regarding the county’s application to acquire rainwater catchments rights. This is about the stupidest proposal I have ever heard.
On Sept. 3, the Friday Harbor Elementary School PTA met with Principal Gary Pflueger, Rod Turnbull, parents and community members in the elementary school cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. for their first PTA meeting of the 2008-09 school year.
Just to correct the record. In 2007, family physicians earned about an average in the $160,000s, which is the sum…