This crumb rubber issue has been and continues to be a long road to resolve. Acknowledgement needs to be made to the positive direction it has taken.
My children and grandchildren join me in thanking you for the wonderful coverage of Carl’s career in National Park Service. Many people who are new to the island were not aware of his legacy.
We have much to be thankful for, especially in this community. The Community Thanksgiving Dinner is a way of expressing that gratitude with more than 100 volunteers working together in a manner that any fine dining restaurant would be proud of. These energetic volunteers prepared and served a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to more than 300 diners on Thanksgiving Day.
We can all be proud of the support Friday Harbor and San Juan Island gives to the local Soroptimist club. Recently, 10 Friday Harbor Soroptimists attended a weekend Soroptimist International District Conference in Olympia to learn more about their organization, noteworthy causes and solutions. During the conference, awards were issued and Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor came in second place out of 44 Pacific Northwest clubs in “Recognition of Outstanding Service Work”!
Congratulations to Julie Capron and Michelle Waldron of Friday Harbor. I just read the article about Capron of Softwear and Waldron of Daisy Bloom assisting in the capture of two teen-age shoplifters from Bellingham and all I can say is it made my day seeing our locals working with San Juan County Sheriff’s Department, U.S. Customs, and WSF to catch these two common thieves.
More than $120,000 has been awarded to 150 graduating seniors in the last 30 years. Students have used scholarships to further their education in Commercial Art, Graphics, Film, Fashion Design, Jewelry, Photography, Metal Work, Industrial Arts, Textiles, Sculpture, History, Culinary Arts and Education.
There are so many gift items available here on island and for a fair price. Shopping is fun here where shop owners know you and many offer treats and discounts. There’s caroling, beautiful windows decorated with the Christmas theme and a feeling of a supportive community spirit only found in small towns. This year especially, when so many are challenged financially, is a time to be grateful for our families and our community.
San Juan Head Start Primary Intervention Program (PIP) is grateful for the support of United Way of San Juan County. Funding from United Way allows us to provide extra support for our children and their families.
At last week’s County Council meeting, several county employees told us how they were wooed by the county to come here for work. Some of them have been here only nine months. And now they are laid off, close to homeless.
In these tough times, giving is even more important. United Way of San Juan County funds more than 30 organizations. This year, as our country experiences major financial collapse, local communities are seeing the effects.
As residents of San Juan Island, we are e-mailing you to comment on the proposed closing of Reuben Tarte Park, Eagle Cove Day Park, and Turn Point Park, all on San Juan Island, as reflected in the 2009 preliminary County Parks budget.
The presence of the transfer station was not a concern for me until the volume of activity there increased while the forest that buffered the noise quietly died. Now it’s a problem.
Last night, I was sitting down to compose a letter about my concerns about the Friday Harbor Elementary School playground’s new underlayment, crumb rubber. My daughter asked me what I was doing, so I told her.