Miffed by deal for ‘Drive-In’ movies | Letters

We as neighbors have always been included in new ideas that will have an impact on our quality of life in our homes.

Open letter: To SJCLTAC members, Dona Wuthnow, Maddie Ovenell, and the Fair Board:

As neighbors of the Fairgrounds, many of us for 30-40 years, we take a dim view of the proposed Drive-In Movie Theatre for which the Parks & Fairgrounds Dept. was awarded a $25,000 grant from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.

The Parks & Fairgrounds director and the Fairgrounds manager have come up with and pursued this idea without ever communicating with neighbors about it or allowing discussion concerning the impacts and feasibility of the plan, at the very least, this omission is inconsiderate and shows very poor planning, placing “the cart before the horse.”

For many years, communication between Fairground management and neighbors has been excellent. We as neighbors have always been included in new ideas that will have an impact on our quality of life in our homes. With this sort of communications, the neighborhood as a whole thrives.

Based on this planning omission, we are asking for a reassessment of this proposal and granting of funds by the County Council (LTAC?) until the neighbors can have the opportunity to be informed and comments be made.

Please respond to this request before we all lose on an idea that may not be successful and therefore be a waste of time, energy and resources, including hard-earned money by folks that provide lodging on these islands.

Anne DiGiovanni/Ernest Pugh

Friday Harbor