Library’s many services, programs, and resources | Letter

As a circulation volunteer at the San Juan Public Library, I have a (book) worm-eye view of the many services, programs, and resources our library offers—to young and old, rich and poor, and everyone in between. That’s why I support lifting the library’s current levy to support operational expenses.

I have helped an eight-year-old to search for books on Taylor Swift and a seventy-year-old find Jumanji DVDs. I’ve directed some to the photocopier and helped others get online at the computers available. Before the pandemic, I held discussions with English-language learners. My primary task now, however, is to check in and shelve the books, DVDs, puzzles, games, graphic novels, magazines, hotspots, audiobooks, and many other items available at the library. But check-in and check-out are just one part of what our library does.

The library is one of the very few public spaces in our community that is open for anyone to use for free on a daily basis. Because of this, a professional staff is necessary to preserve and maintain operations at the level which island residents have come to expect. Anyone who has attended a meeting in the conference room, or listened to a lecture in the main lounge, or used a computer, or brought their children – from infants to high school age – to any of the many programs designed to generate life-long learners, knows what jewels we have in both the library and the librarians.

A famous library director observed that: “Bad libraries build collections, good libraries build services, great libraries build communities.” We have a great library now, but to maintain that status, more funds are needed to operate at current levels. This is why I urge a yes vote for the levy lift.

Rebecca E. Moore,

Friday Harbor