Library levy lift: value for our island community | Letter

An anti-library campaign has distributed signs that are designed to give us sticker shock at the idea of $20M spent over 20 years on library services. $20 million has an emotional impact for most of us as a really big number.

It is a really big number, but over 20 years the planned budget will go primarily (~65%) to salaries and benefits for ~14 full-time equivalent island employees. Libraries in our state spend 65%-75% of the budget on salaries and the library salary scale is similar to San Juan Island School District teachers and staff. The library is a well-run junior tax district with professional staff, creative programming, state recognition for the quality of its services, and strong user numbers. Wonderful volunteers provide significant support to library programs.

The San Juan Island Library Levy is currently 2% of the total property tax levy for San Juan County. The proposed levy lift will increase this to ~3% which is primarily a cost of living increase for salaries, and reflects additional expenses that are increasing faster than inflation such as digital subscriptions and utilities.

As Washington State does not have an income tax, we need a realistic way to fund the services we need. Property tax is a reasonably fair way to fund local services. A library is a key local service that is open to all and enhances our community.

Victoria Hipkin,

San Juan Island