Residents of Friday Harbor should be proud of the excellent Peace Island Medical Center facility on your island.
My husband, Bruce, and I recently visited friends Jerry and Dede McCormick, who reside in Friday Harbor. Unfortunately, Bruce bumped his leg while on the ferry to San Juan Island.
That evening, July 10, the bump had developed into a large hematoma and medical assistance was required.
Bruce was seen by a doctor who evaluated the injured site, treated the area, and took the time to answer all our questions. The doctor told us to return if the swelling had not subsided before we left the island to return to Ohio.
On Saturday, July 12, we made another trip to the busy medical facility and were fortunate to be treated by Dr. Appleton, who performed minor surgery to relieve pressure. Dr. Appleton told us he would write a report for us to take to Ohio, and he had the report ready later in the day.
The Peace Island Medical Center was busy that Saturday afternoon, and we appreciated the extra effort to get the report done before we left the island to return to Ohio.
What a friendly and efficient staff we encountered at the Peace Island Medical Center. The residents of Friday Harbor are fortunate to have such a fine facility.
Betty Crittenden / Reminderville, Ohio