In praise of county planners | Letters

In the midst of heated criticism, we admire the patience and professionalism of the San Juan County planning commissioners, Shireene Hale and Janice Biletnikoff.

We attended the standing-room-only San Juan County Planning Commission meeting at the Friday Harbor Grange on March 6 and heard four hours of testimonies given regarding the revised critical areas ordinance which is nearing completion.

In the midst of heated criticism, we admire the patience and professionalism of the San Juan County planning commissioners, Shireene Hale and Janice Biletnikoff.

They have spent years hammering out the revisions, striving to form a CAO that is flexible enough to allow individuals to develop the

ir property to the fullest extent possible while still protecting the functions and values of our critical areas. Credit to be given for sod roofs and permeable driveways are examples of creative ways the team has responded to the pleas of the public for more flexibility and an individually-tailored approach.

We support the open-minded, fair work they have done and want to see this process wrapped up soon.

Our desire is to see San Juan County in compliance with the states Growth Management act, and to protect the long-term environmental health of our islands for future generations. Thank you.

Liza Michaelson/Shaun Hubbard/Gretchen Gubelman/Peter Kilpatrick; San Juan Island