I endorse Stephanie O’Day | Letter

Wow! Thank you all for your kind words and phone calls, regarding Community Treasures (CT). Stephanie O’Day has really stepped up to the plate, and is trying to solve the CT crisis. Stephanie has called me several times to get detailed information. Stephanie has met with several County Staff members since our press release. Stephanie has requested that the County Manager, members of the Planning and Health Departments, and a Trust representative, meet with her asap to discuss this issue. Stephanie also stepped up and helped in 2011 when the County was changing land use wording regulations that would have shut CT down in 2012. As a Trust representative, I have agreed to attend Stephanie’s requested meeting.

I want to formally recommend and endorse Stephanie O’Day for our County Council. I ask anyone who wants to have Essential Public Facility sites be permanent, and be properly labeled “legally conforming”, to vote for Stephanie O’Day.

I endorse Stephanie O’Day because, if there is any hope for CT to remain open, it will take a strong legal mind with expertise and experience, like Stephanie O’Day’s, to motivate the County Council and SJC Planning Department to meet State RCWs and WACs. All three islands will be better served if CT, the Exchange, and Take It Or Leave It are all properly designated as “conforming EPF” sites. Let’s make that happen, by electing Stephanie O’Day to the County Council. “If you want to get something done, ask a busy person.” Benjamin Franklin


Frank M. Penwell,

San Juan Island