How library salaries are determined | Letter

Since Royce Meyerott cited the Library Director’s salary in his Argument Against the Library Levy Lid Lift Proposition, I’ll tell you how library salaries are determined.

The director and staff begin employment on a 5-step salary scale based on library policy. They receive a 5% merit increase between steps, receiving a total of four 5% increases. After that, raises are limited to 1% per year for as long as they stay employed and have satisfactory reviews.

Concerning Cost of Living Adjustments, library policy allows the board to approve a discretionary annual COLA. Historically, this percentage is based on the average change in the Seattle Consumer Price Index (CPI) over 12 months preceding the yearly library budget preparation. The COLAs approved from 2019 – 2023 were 3.5, 3.0, 2.4, 3.4, and 5%. In 2023, Even though the average CPI growth was 8.4% in 2023, the board capped the COLA at 5%. The Board approves COLAs so that staff are able to continue earning a living wage when inflation would negatively impact their ability to do so.

The director’s salary follows the same pattern as all library staff, receiving raises only upon the Library Board’s approval, at the same rates of increase as other staff. When the director or another staff person leaves their position, the salary is reset to Step 1. These policies are very reasonable, helping the Library retain trained and knowledgeable staff. Please vote YES on Aug. 6 for Levy Lid Lift.

Boyd Pratt

San Juan Island