From Enmity to Amity | Letter

After a quarter century of delightful and provocative theatre, the final weekend of Island Stage Left arrives. As A Midsummer Night’s Dream unfolds, Hermia asserts her sovereignty, young bulls Lysander and Demetrius roar and Helena perseveres as the plot twists and turns.

The energetic and talented cast keeps audience and each other guessing as roles and costumes shift. And us laughing, as Bottom in an abbreviated union suit scampers about. Fairies alight and depart a secluded grotto where one could sleep forever safe from world’s travails.

Titania and her assistant wreak havoc among young lovers with well meaning magic potions. Despite parental fury, spirits remain high and evasions creative. Shakespeare’s joyful resolutions inspire amity from enmity.

by Gay Wilmerding,

San Juan Island