Friday Harbor House expansion will drastically alter the townscape of Friday Harbor | Guest Column

Friday Harbor stands at a crucial crossroads between growth and the preservation of our unique character and heritage. The proposed expansion of the Friday Harbor House Hotel, which includes a request for a slope/height variance, threatens to dominate our scenic skyline and obscure The Whale Museum almost entirely from view, drastically altering the townscape of Friday Harbor.

San Juan Island is celebrated not only for its breathtaking beauty but also as a premier destination for those wishing to see killer whales in the wild. Visitors come from all around the world for a chance to see Southernsee Southern Resident killer whales, birds, other marine mammals, and the natural beauty offered by the Salish Sea—not for a meal at Friday Harbor House. For many, their first glimpse of these iconic whales is the mural of Granny J2 on the facade of the Whale Museum, which warmly welcomes everyone into our harbor, along with the stunning kelp seascape they see as they walk up 1st Street. A reminder of the history of this town as well as the iconic killer whales we share our waters with.

Housed in the historic Odd Fellows Hall, The Whale Museum embodies the architectural charm that defines Friday Harbor. Built in 1892, Odd Fellows Hall reflects the style of its era and is integral to our town’s heritage. Preserving this building is vital, as it connects our historical roots with contemporary efforts to protect the critically endangered Southern Resident killer whale. The Museum’s exhibits, which include bones from these federally protected whales, are irreplaceable treasures. The proposed underground parking garage involves blasting into the hillside, posing a significant risk of structural damage to both Odd Fellows Hall and the valuable artifacts housed within.

Such a change could transform Friday Harbor into an overbuilt tourist destination, stripping it of the quaintness and historical character that make our community special. This shift could detract from the very essence of what makes Friday Harbor a beloved place to live, work, and visit. Moreover, this expansion appears to benefit only the developer, with any gains solely enriching their interests while our community faces significant losses. This development prioritizes profit over the aesthetic charm and character of our town, diminishing what makes San Juan Island special for both residents and visitors alike.

Our town has long prided itself on preserving its small-town charm while fostering respect for our natural and historical treasures. As islanders, we cherish the unique blend of history, beauty, and environmental consciousness that defines us. We must find a balance between responsible development and the preservation of our community’s character, ensuring that our growth does not come at the expense of what makes Friday Harbor truly remarkable.

We urge the town council, planning department, and all concerned residents to carefully reconsider the impact of this expansion proposal. We must explore alternatives that allow for development while maintaining the historical integrity and charm of our skyline and town. Together, let us support measures that reflect our shared values and protect the heritage that makes our town a cherished destination for visitors from around the globe.

Now is the time to protect the skyline and the view of the Whale Museum, uphold our town’s charm, and safeguard the values that define Friday Harbor. Let us act decisively to ensure a future that honors our past.

Thank you for your attention and support in this crucial matter.

The Whale Museum staff supporters and volunteers