Family Resource Center responds to Marinkovich letter | Letter

Our Family Resource Center takes issue with the claims in Mr. Maurinkovich’s letter. To characterize our agency as making comments about the proposed speaker such as “he doesn’t belong here” are just plain false. We never offered comments – either to the Maurinkovichs or to the public at large – about the character of Nicholas Bloom or anyone else.

Earlier this spring, Maureen Maurinkovich approached the Family Resource Center to inquire about whether we would be interested in co-hosting the speaking event she was planning. We explained that our organization does not have a history of hosting outsider speaker events. The presentations we occasionally offer our local community are only developed in conjunction with existing Family Resource Center programming and align with specific outreach and education goals formally established through our strategic planning process. That was the extent of our conversation.

We’d appreciate accuracy moving forward if Mr. Maurinkovich has more to say.


Jennifer Armstrong

Executive Director

JLS Family Resource Center

Gay Graham

Board Chair

JLS Family Resource Center