Expenses of the Library’s Spring Street property | Letter

Recently, questions were raised regarding the expenses of the Library’s Spring Street property.

The Library has two sources of funding for this property. First, from insurance proceeds for damage incurred during the December 2021 freeze; and second, dedicated donations from private donors, which support the early costs of the building project before actual design and construction start.

What are the actual maintenance costs? A part-time maintenance worker, landscaping, and utilities cost around $66,800 per year. Property insurance is estimated to cost around $54,000. Until this year, the Library’s interest-only bond payments totaled $46,065 annually. The first principal payment is due later this year for a combined interest and principal payment of $266,065.

No taxpayer money from the Library’s Operating Fund is being used for the Spring Street property. Taxpayer funds are used exclusively for operations and maintenance of the current library.

Additional revenue from the Library’s proposed Levy Lid Lift on the August 6th ballot will stay in the Library’s Operating Fund for maintaining current library operations and maintenance and/or be moved to the Reserve Fund to be saved for future Operating Fund needs as inflation outpaces the Library’s annual 1% levy revenue increase.

Funds from the Library’s last levy lid lift were managed conservatively to stretch those proceeds which lasted, not just six years, but twelve years. A tremendous feat on the part of the Library board and staff.

Please vote YES for the Library Levy Lid Lift for library operations on August 6th!

Barbara Sharp

San Juan Isalnd