Don’t let dogs run off-leash

In response to the story about poor Dini, I am incensed (“Dini’s dilemma,” page 1A, March 11 Journal. This is now the second time that I am writing a letter reminding people to properly secure their animals, whether it be in your vehicle, at your home/neighborhood, or on a walk. It is inexcusable for your animal to be loose or off-leash.

In response to the story about poor Dini, I am incensed (“Dini’s dilemma,” page 1A, March 11 Journal.

This is now the second time that I am writing a letter reminding people to properly secure their animals, whether it be in your vehicle, at your home/neighborhood, or on a walk. It is inexcusable for your animal to be loose or off-leash.

Friday Harbor prides itself on being a community that is supportive and safe. Well, how ironic that ignorant dog owners put the community, not to mention other animals, in danger. Dogs cannot be reasoned with. I am tired of having to change direction as I walk my dogs because I encounter a dog that is off-leash.

I really don’t care if you have a “friendly” dog as many have ridiculously claimed. There is a power struggle when a loose dog encounters another dog on-leash and that struggle always involves fear and protection on both sides. Pardon me for not realizing that you “friendly-dog owners” could speak canine and can predict exactly how your loose dog will behave. Particularly when you are not even there.

How dare anyone allow for the possibility that your dog could be euthanized as a result of an incident? I don’t care what level of aggression your dog was born with or was trained to have. If it is contained, then do as you please. It is never the dog’s fault — and yet, they are punished.

What if I tell you that I cannot hesitate to crack your dog in the teeth if it were to attack my dogs? No one likes to talk about that possibility because it is not politically correct or nice, but I can assure you that when there is a fight, my dogs will be less injured at the end of it. Again, it is not the dog’s fault! It is YOURS.

I am disgusted and do not apologize for my criticism. There is no defense for a loose or improperly contained dog. Shame on you.

Gina Creone, with Fred and Ethel and Bella
Friday Harbor