(In response, “Dismayed by indifference”, Nov. 16, page 6)
Legion members are largely people with families, jobs, and responsibilities.
On Memorial Day, their day off, they march to Memorial Park. There they remember, with their community, all the gifts others have given us.
On the Fourth of July, their day off, they march in the parade to celebrate with their community our freedom.
We have a firing squad that, upon family request, honors veterans at their funeral. Quite often they loose work or vacations days to do this.
Veterans Day was created to honor our military veterans. You would take away this gift by demanding, on their day off, that they stand in the cold rain in front of Memorial Park, alone.
They would be alone, because our community knows enough to come in out of the rain.
If you wished to honor veterans, you could have come to the American Legion where veterans were honoring veterans. You would’ve been and still are most welcome. Also, it is quite likely you are eligible to join.
Yes, I am also dismayed at how some view an organization whose only purpose is to help and support veterans and their community. Yes, it is a free country because of those who gave.
What is your gift?
Wes Benstine
San Juan Island