Concern for democracy and well being | Letter

Dear fellow islanders,

For those of us who are concerned about the future of our Democracy and our well-being, these are very incredible times.

I am super concerned about our Constitutional Freedoms. Let me point out my concerns:

1.) Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies for which he might be sen- tenced sometime in September. “Teflon Don” may get by “Scott Free.”

2.) Donald Trump took dictator Putin’s side at Russia’s interference in the last U.S. election! Most of us couldn’t believe his loyalty to a dictator over our own constitution and justice department.

3.) I believe in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Also, in workers right to fight for union members. Unfortunately, the wealthiest man on planet, Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, doesn’t believe in unions. He has valuable government contracts as the owner of SpaceX. Donaled Trump is a good friend of Musk. He has even talked about putting him on his cabinet if he is elected president again if he be elected in 2024.

That would be like putting a Fox in the Hen House. I don’t think we can take that chance!

No matter what your political leanings are, please vote blue for our people and our Mother Earth, and thanks to our troops and veterans!

Kathy Wieck,

San Juan Island