Asher: Candidacy is about improving the safety and quality of life of our communities

There are 30 employees in the department, and only a few are engaged in these attacks. For the most part, they represent the current leadership — the status quo. Should I not win, I will be unable to ensure that my supporters are treated fairly and professionally. Therefore, I will not ask my supporters within the department to publicly declare their support of my candidacy.

As I have met with voters during my campaign, two questions have consistently been asked that I would like to address.

The first goes something like this: If elected, how will you bring the department back together after the negative things that have been said about you by some of your colleagues?

The one word answer is: professionalism. As sheriff, I will communicate my expectations for high standards of professional and ethical behavior to members of the department. Employees will be given the opportunity, support and guidance to meet those standards, and will also be held accountable for their behavior as we move forward under my administration.

All Sheriff’s Department employees are here for one reason and one reason only: to protect public safety. It is essential that the internal politics and disagreements generated by a few individuals be put to rest so that, together, we can focus on the critical mission with which we are entrusted. The citizens of our county expect no less of us. I have no doubt that the fine professionals within the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office will come together to meet that goal and provide the best possible service to the community.

The second question is: Why are there no deputies supporting you?

There are 30 employees in the department, and only a few are engaged in these attacks. For the most part, they represent the current leadership — the status quo. Should I not win, I will be unable to ensure that my supporters are treated fairly and professionally. Therefore, I will not ask my supporters within the department to publicly declare their support of my candidacy.

Further, I believe (as do the leaders of many police departments) that negative campaigning toward other officers is unethical behavior for police officers. It creates anger and mistrust within the ranks — qualities we can scarcely afford when we count on each other’s support in life or death situations.

The citizens of San Juan County deserve a referendum on the issues affecting them. I will continue to focus my candidacy on improving the safety and quality of life of our island communities.

If you wish to contact me with any questions or concerns, you may call me at 298-1932. I look forward to hearing your questions and providing the answers you deserve to hear directly from me.

Jeff Asher
Friday Harbor