And the band played on, and on | Letters

The first set was not even over when we lost power at our community theater and the emergency lights came on. Our hearts skipped a beat, because we all like Roy Rogers and hated the thought of having to go home in the middle of the set.

There are musicians and then there are musicians, and this past Friday the 13th we experienced the difference.

As we all remember we had one heck of a lightning storm and it put us all in the dark. Some of us had the pleasure of listening to Roy Rogers and his Delta Rhythm Kings, when God decided to turn down the volume and let the real musicians come out.

The first set was not even over when we lost power at our community theater and the emergency lights came on. Our hearts skipped a beat, because we all like Roy Rogers and hated the thought of having to go home in the middle of the set.

Well, my hat’s off to Roy Rogers and his band and a resounding “thank you” for staying.

They were not about to let some stinking power outage interrupt their mission to entertain us and they showed us what truly talented musicians they are, by playing only acoustically.

Wow — it was awesome, because it felt like it was a jam session.

Roy engaged the audience with anecdotal stories and it felt almost cozy and we were in for a treat by the master. Bet he played music he has not done in a while, because it was his talent and his talent alone, with his pal’s help, to make this a successful evening.

We sure got our money’s worth. Thank you Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings — a forever fan,

Bianca Vanderwal/San Juan Island