SJ employment trends revealed
What will employment trends be like for islanders next year?
Washington State’s Regional Labor Economist Dr. Reinhold Groepler discusses employment trends on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 10:30 a.m., in the Garden Room at KeyBank.
His presentation also covers labor force and the occupations and demographics for the unemployed of San Juan County and the region.
Business fair offers 30 classes
More than thirty free classes will be offered Saturday, Sept. 24 at the 2011 Washington Small Business Fair in Renton, Wash.
Class topics range from government contracting, to improving cash flow, to social media marketing, to business financing options.
There will also be exhibitors presenting information on a wide variety of services for small businesses.
For more info, call 378-2906 or visit
Workshop for a business plan
SJC Economic Development Council holds a free half-day workshop by James McCafferty for small businesses and entrepreneurs Monday, Sept. 19, 8:30 a.m. in the community room at Skagit Valley College
McCafferty, director of the Skagit/San Juan Islands Small Business Development Center, will cover business financing, financing options and will provide a reality check for a new or expanded business venture.
Call 360-378-2906 to reserve your space or email