The most far-reaching amendment abandons the complex, site-specific 13-category wetland and water quality rating system devised by the county in 2012 and substitutes a four-category rating system developed by the Washington state Department of Ecology.
Aaron D’Errico says town Administrator Duncan Wilson and Mayor Carrie Lacher needed little convincing to help make town streets safer and navigating across the street easier for those with mobility challenges. “it took somebody like Aaron to make us aware of the situation,” Wilson said. “He’s been gracious thanking us, but we should thank him.”
Plans for a restaurant on a newly constructed second story of Jeri’s Mall have been shelved, as the prospective new owners of the building reportedly intend to turn the top floor into living space.
At the Feb. 6 public meeting to review new preliminary designs for the SSL building, architect Peter Brachvogel of BC&J Architects unveiled a two-building package having roughly 1,000 square feet more than the previous structure. The main building would have an upper level restaurant of about 4,000 square feet, plus a considerably larger deck to offer customers more outdoor dining space.
Do you have a stormwater problem? If so, Public Works would like to know.
Two-term incumbent seeks a third as chief of county finances, elections
Suleiman the Magnificent, Atticus Finch, Gene Gould and Sacagawea were the answers. Do you know the questions? Except for Gene Gould, whom no one could identify as Friday Harbor’s first mayor, the juniors and seniors came forth with those names without difficulty on their way to winning yet another coveted Knowledge Bowl championship, sponsored for the 20th consecutive year by San Juan Public Schools Foundation.
The Honeywells, who won a nine-figure Powerball prize in early 2013, purchased the property in mid-2013 for $6 million. According to an eight-page statement signed by Honeywell and prepared in response to the county investigation, the Honeywells intend to use the property as their retirement home and family retreat.
Bump in sales tax would net $220K a year for road projects
In the wake of the massive snow problems in the Atlanta area, San Juan County Public Works Director Frank Mulcahy wants you to know he’s got you covered—even if Friday’s flurries don’t amount to much more than a minor inconvenience.
If the CAO takes effect March 31, permit applications filed before March 31 will be considered under the laws and regulations in effect before CAO updates were passed in 2012. After March 31, plans and applications will be considered under the new law, including amendments presently being considered and which are expected to be approved March 5.
The current levy, at a rate of 35 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation, does not expire until the end of 2016. The proposed levy, at 50 cents per $1,000 dollars of assessed valuation, would replace the current six-year levy with a permanent levy at the maximum allowed by state law for EMS levies.
On Jan. 29, the federal Chemical Safety Board issued a draft report detailing extensive lapses in safety by Tesoro, by industry support groups such as the American Petroleum Institute and by state and federal regulatory agencies.