Better known as the West Side Road Free Pile, the collection of discarded items went up in flames in the early morning hours of July 18.
Town Administrator King Fitch credits Treasurer Wendy Picinich for thinking outside the box to find the money to pay for the pending repair. While the surface of Spruce Street has long-been plagued by potholes, patches, cracks and crumbling asphalt, Fitch said the root of the problem stems from the continued buildup of rainwater and poor drainage that lies below.
In a turnaround from an earlier opinion, Gaylord several weeks ago informed the council that the parcel fee would apply only to the “unincorporated areas” of the county. Friday Harbor, as an incorporated town, operates its own solid-waste utility and determines for itself the means by which garbage and recycling will be collected within its boundaries.
Approved by the Legislature earlier this year, Senate Bill 5000, also known as Hailey’s Law, places a mandatory 12-hour impound on any vehicle driven by a person arrested for driving under the influence, or DUI.
Canoes and paddlers from the Lummi Nation will stop-over in Friday Harbor en route to Swinomish on July 22. The welcoming ceremony will take place at the Port of Friday Harbor’s Breakwater A, at about 2 p.m.
On June 30, San Juan County Juvenile Court Judge Don Eaton agreed to postpone a hearing in which prosecutors are expected to argue that the 15-year-old’s case and the charges filed against him should be transferred to superior court, where he would then be tried as an adult. That hearing, slated for July 12, is now scheduled to begin Aug. 30.
After 13 years at the helm of one of the school’s most successful athletic programs, Carlton announced last week to his players and school officials that he would be stepping down as head coach.
While uncertainty over state Parks’ parking fees, which go into effect beginning this Saturday, July 1, rippled through the ranks of those visiting the popular day-use park on San Juan Island’s west side, long-time Park Ranger William Hoppe knows that this time around there’s no turning back.
The business at hand, according to Beth Geiger Williams, director of Inter Island Medical Center, is to find a way to clear roughly $500,000 in financial obligations from the medical center’s books before the hospital district joins forces with PeaceHealth and shuts down its opera
Washingto State Ferries has made “significant progress” in shoring up its bottom line through an assortment of cost-cutting moves. He prefaced a sort of State of the State Agency address by highlighting a handful of those spending reductions, according to Assistant Secretary David Moseley
Friday Harbor’s Class of 2011 left the launching pad well-fueled, however, and with great fanfare Saturday at the high school gym. Another capacity crowd was on hand to celebrate the lift off of the school’s 99th graduating class, 33 of whom began their trajectory through the island’s public school system together in kindergarten.
The San Juan County Council Tuesday boosted the number of elected position of the inaugural Charter Review Commission from 18 to 21.
With the painstaking process of crafting its own “best available science” in the rear-view mirror and that document available as a guide, the County Council must now determine whether today’s land-use regulations are sufficient enough to protect the county’s critical areas, or whether changes will be required.