San Juan Island’s Lee Brewer is a man of action, a quintessential Renaissance man, and perhaps the last person on the planet that one would expect to find living vicariously through the achievements of others. Unless, that is, a family member is in a race for Olympic gold.
San Juan County Sheriff’s deputies, firefighters and town workers converged on the scene shortly after water began flooding down the south side of the street, outside of Haley’s Bait Shop and Grill, at about 7 p.m. That section of street was cordoned off and traffic re-directed as town workers began shutting off pressure to the waterline and searching for the source of the leak.
Dubbed “Brickworks” because of its ties to Friday Harbor Brick and Tile, which manufactured blocks used in the construction of various Friday Harbor buildings, including Town Hall, the interior of the historic building is expected to serve as the home of a year-round farmers’ market, a venue for events, and contain a certified commercial kitchen and storefront once its remodel and “enhancements” are complete.
“We’re starting off the season with a bang, no doubt about it,” Head Coach Darrin Scheffer said of squaring off against a bigger school, on the road, in the team’s opening game of the 2012 season. “We’re going to go out there and play our hearts out. The kids are excited.”
Purple Haze? You bet. Guitarist Carl Blake and company return to the San Juan Community Theatre spotlight Saturday, Aug. 25, breathing life back into the man and the music that turned pop music on its head 40-plus years ago.
With the sound of footsteps closing in, Bellevue 17-year-old Jordan Harris switched on the afterburners and left “the elder” Thomsen in the dust, finishing his first-ever Loop Run in first place overall and, with a time of 34:08, eclipsing his previous “personal best” by a full 30 seconds.
Backed by a 312-vote advantage and with only 600 ballots or so left to count, Auditor Milene Henley said that Proposition 1, which will increase the sales tax paid in San Juan County by three-tenths of 1 percent, is headed to victory.
No, you haven’t missed it, and it’s not too late to participate. Opening ceremonies for San Juan Island’s 2012 Relay For Life begin at 3 p.m., at the Friday Harbor High School track.
“Old Goats” doesn’t just pick up where “Grumpy Old Men” left off, it carves out a whole new territory for those who refuse to go quietly into their golden years.
A celebration of the history of flight in the islands will be among the many activities, displays, demonstrations and events featured as part of the third annual Friday Harbor Airport Fly In and Open House House, July 21.
Island Stage Left puts a ’60s spin on “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
King Fitch, who turned 65 in January, walks away from the post as the longest-serving city administrator in Washington state, if not the nation. He presided over the town during an era of unprecedented growth. In 1980, a total of 1,200 people called the town of Friday Harbor. By 2010, the population, at 2,162, had nearly doubled.
Taxiway to get a new home — six feet to the west — as part of the pending reconstruction project, which is slated to begin July 25.