Christelle Inema, Spring Street International School exchange student from Rwanda has not had much experience with snow or ice but she will spend 12 days trekking about Alaskan glaciers from June 17-28, in the program of a life time “Girls on Ice”.
He has been called a champion of the obscure, and David George Gordon, writer of Eat-A-Bug Cook Book, as well as books on slugs, snails, tarantulas and cockroaches, admits that is a fair description of himself.
It’s crunch time, mere hours before the Friday Harbor High School students presented their senior projects during the community dinner on June 8. The school was electric with their excitement to share their accomplishments.
Twenty five years ago, a group of artists realized that the best shows occurred in their own studios. They toiled for months creating new work and cleaning up their studios and gardens. Thus the San Juan Island Artist Tour was born.
They came with their families, they carried their babies on boats and they envisioned a better life for themselves. They worked in orchards, in hotels and in the quarries. Some eventually bought farms.
The Land Bank and National Park Service hosted a children’s event in celebration of “History Lives Here” month
The public was invited to tour the facility, ask questions of students and researchers, and learn all about the world of marine zoology, botany, fisheries and oceanography.
The term mental illness can conjure up images of disease, a broken brain and unstable and nonfunctional people. In western culture a psychological diagnosis can lead to a lifetime of medications and isolation by family members and society as a whole.
Friday Harbor Elementary School sixth-graders and Kwiaht hosted a Pollinator Celebration with honey tasting and a dedication of the research garden on Friday, April 29 from 9 to 11 a.m. At 9:30 a.m., the sixth-graders offered a dedication of the garden to supporting organizations Kwiaht and San Juan Public Schools Foundation. A thank-you was presented to Ranger Parsons from SJI National Historical Parks and Cattle Point Rock and Topsoil. Tthe sixth-graders gave informative tours of the research garden, highlighting their work with pollinators in collaboration with scientists, and featured a presentation in their classroom.
It takes much more than landing on a flower to be a pollinator.
The Addams Family has been a part of American culture since 1938, when cartoonist Charles Addams first published the spooky, kooky and ooky family in The New Yorker. The images became so popular, it eventually evolved into a TV show, movies, and most recently, a Broadway musical, according to Carol Hooper, show director.
Howard Schonberger was the first man to join Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor.