An interview with Colton Harris-Moore’s mother. The return of the military officers quarters to American Camp. The end of free recycling in San Juan County.
Those are the three top stories in the Dec. 8 Journal of the San Juan Islands, available Dec. 8 on newsstands and in subscribers’ mail boxes.
The Journal is comprised of 40 pages and three sections (and yes, color is back). You’ll find local news and advertising, Editorial, Letters to the Editor, Public Meetings, Obituaries, Sheriff’s Log, Almanac, Business, Island Scene, What’s Happening, Around Town, Births, Sports Briefs, Classifieds, At Your Service Professional Directory, Legal Notices, Winter Sports Preview, Real Estate in the San Juan Islands.
The Journal has been the Voice and Choice of the San Juan Islands since 1906. Call 360-378-5696 or e-mail for convenient mail delivery.